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why is a job flipping burgers worth 30k?

by running up the cost of unskilled labor pressure is put upon those who need skilled labor and many of those jobs can go overseas

Why? Because we (as in "we the people") decide it is so?

Remember, the government, and all its laws, derives its power from us, not the other way 'round.

"We the people" decide that it's not worth 30k by refusing to pay $20 for a big mac.

Australia has an appropriate minimum wage yet their Big Mac's don't cost $20.

... but "we" haven't given government the power to micromanage every aspect of our lives.

A minimum wage law isn't micromanagement of our lives.

But by your reasoning, "we the people ... deciding" is good enough justification for government action. There need to be limits on "we the people deciding" other people's affairs - that's elementary.

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