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Ask HN: What can I do to make my web activity private?
3 points by fsteele1982 on June 15, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
As a British citizen, I'm quite worried about the Snooper’s Charter act becoming law so I want to start protecting my data.

Can HN recommend any resources that will help me accomplish this?

For private browsing check out Tor: https://www.torproject.org/

If you want to dive deeper then there is Tails: https://tails.boum.org/ - an OS which is designed with privacy in mind.

https://prism-break.org/en/ has a lots of links to various tools be they operating systems, messengers, browsers etc.

None of these tools are a silver bullet - most require some level of effort or perseverance to use and none of them will protect you against every attack imaginable. However, they will make it more expensive for an adversary to target you.

not at all an expert but one of the first step might be getting a good VPN and TOR Browser.

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