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Show HN: Strength Level – Squat/Deadlift/Bench Calculator (strengthlevel.com)
12 points by mjac on June 10, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

A couple points I noticed toying with it --

Using the back button seems to keep trying to resubmit the form and break the page for me.

Also, you could remove the last result when an item is deleted from the page. It was displaying a record I had deleted because it was also the last submitted.

Really like the concept. I've always been a fan of doing core lifts like this and generally just keep it all in a notepad I jot on after I leave the gym.

We really appreciate the positive feedback.

Good point with the back button. The original page was made in 2007 and the full page form submission could be refined to use an AJAX post.

Would it be possible to explain "you could remove the last result when an item is deleted from the page" a little further? Do you mean resetting the page back to its initial state?

What I mean is lets say I do this:

Save my Bench Press

Save my Dead Lift

Now, I will have the success * message at the bottom from submitting my Dead Lift, but if I go to the bottom and delete it, this success message is still showing, even though I have deleted the value.

Adding a simple event handler for the click of the delete button to empty the container containing success messages would handle this.

Understood, thanks for the explanation.

A very good website, as a fellow interested in bodybuilding and powerlifting, I liked it a lot.

Can I ask you if you gave any thought monetizing it? If yes, what is it?

Thanks for the positive feedback. It would be great to monetize Strength Level, to fund further development and expand its capabilities. We have two ideas at the moment:

1. iPhone app - people want to rate lifts at the gym

2. Premium accounts - see workouts older than 6 months/personalised recommendations

If you could add the training age as well as some additional information (height, approximate bf%, outside stress level, recovery factors, training time) as potential details you could have a serious case for recommending training programs to people. It's one of the good uses of collective intelligence to benefit the community I've always wanted, but never found the time, to implement.

We would love to provide that kind of guidance. By training age, do you mean age of user?

Training age usually refers to numbers of years of serious training. However age of user would matter as well.

So, strstd.com has been around for a while. The standards themselves seem to be the same, and I generally assume that those come from http://www.exrx.net/Testing/WeightLifting/StrengthStandards...., although I guess that may not be the case.

Yes, you are exactly right about the original source data. However, Strength Level has been around since 2007 and we use 500k+ user lifts to refine the estimations.

Wouldn't that give you big selection bias?

Yes, so we have to say you are better than 75% of other users instead of 75% of humans. Do you have any advice in this area?

What is the source of these numbers? I did not see any age associated with it. I compared my lifts and I was way below the untrained numbers you put up.

Originally http://www.exrx.net/Testing/WeightLifting/StrengthStandards.... (Starting Strength tables) but later refined with 500k+ user results.

What were you expecting to see? Could you explain further?

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