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We are focusing on people with autoimmune disease for exactly that reason. They are more in need of this kind of service, so probably more forgiving. Our long term goal is to solve my own problem, which is that I hate all the planning and decisions involved in cooking normal healthy food.

Here's a very terse page https://eatbetter.io/signup And this one is more informational https://about.eatbetter.io

We will definitely try a few ways to put more educational information on the interactive landing page.

It's great that you already have your target customer. In which case, I would reach out to them and focus the marketing content on them.

Your vision of extending it to the general public is possible but again, you'll need to educate us and help us understand why we cannot live without a personalized meal plan. I think you have it on your blog page where you highlight how eating better changed your health. That to me is huge! That's the key benefit you need to sell.

Thanks for sharing the links!

Thank you for the feedback tixocloud. It's super valuable!

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