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jtruk on June 4, 2015 | hide | past | favorite

This was submitted yesterday and justifiably flagged to death.

To reiterate my comment: This is part of a trend of "quirky and random" app update notes, which has a two-fold purpose: to demonstrate "hey, we're a startup and we don't have boring bug-fix patch notes! ^_^", and to attempt to get viral on social media aggregators like Reddit. (given the amount of votes this submission has received, it seems to be working)

Case in point, Medium stole the joke from another app, whose submission received 6000+ upvotes on Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/32sgrm/important_upda...

This was posted yesterday too, likely just a publicity stunt, as it's been already done http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/32sgrm/important_upda...

We apologize for the fault in the previous release. Those responsible have been sacked.

I guess it's funny sarcasm, though it can have a negative effect on employees.

For newcomers, who did not know if this a joke or not, and will be stressed out to make any mistakes, or either for old staff, who could think that one day it will be no joke and Peter will become jobless.

Saw this the other day when I was about to update the app. Simply awesome haha.

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