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What is the physical work environment like at your company?
7 points by ctogden on June 3, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
TypeForm survey: https://christopherogden.typeform.com/to/CyfocZ

Motivation for this survey was that as an introvert I find large open office plans to be a hostile environment, but it's hard to determine the office environment at different companies.

Oh, and you can view survey results at https://christopherogden.typeform.com/report/CyfocZ/jDZN

Checkout the masschallenge office in 3d which was recently added to Google Maps! http://goo.gl/6TEhG9

Ugh! Wouldn't want to work there if I needed to concentrate on code. Would be OK if the day is spent talking though.

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