Companies like Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, Siemens, etc. haven't really had the trial-by-fire experienced by companies like Microsoft, Google, or any of a hundred consumer-facing service providers. How many embedded controllers are out there waiting to be pwned by something even half as sophisticated as Stuxnet?
I personally hate Windows and most other Microsoft products but it's undeniable that the asskicking they got in the 90s and early 00's has really transformed Microsoft's outlook on security.
Half these companies are still in the security-by-obscurity mindset. I'm not optimistic for the next decade of the so-called Internet of Things.
I'm pretty sure there is something like this generating fake ad impressions on the routers used by Time Warner Cable. I constantly see what appears to be fake user agents with screen resolutions that don't match hitting our ads to the tune of tens of thousands per day (if not more).
Companies like Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, Siemens, etc. haven't really had the trial-by-fire experienced by companies like Microsoft, Google, or any of a hundred consumer-facing service providers. How many embedded controllers are out there waiting to be pwned by something even half as sophisticated as Stuxnet?
I personally hate Windows and most other Microsoft products but it's undeniable that the asskicking they got in the 90s and early 00's has really transformed Microsoft's outlook on security.
Half these companies are still in the security-by-obscurity mindset. I'm not optimistic for the next decade of the so-called Internet of Things.