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Ask HN: How to bill for an API?
3 points by hartator on May 23, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
I almost done coding an API that target mainly developers (Take arbitrary S3 files and stream it immediately as zip file.), I wonder what will be the best way to bill the customers. I think I want to provide a free access until a certain volume. I am thinking of 3 main paths:

A: Monthly subscriptions, a credit allowance that refresh every month.

B: Package of credits, you buy a bunch of credits then you can use the API

C: Amazon style billing, you use the API then you are billed according to your actual consumption.

Any advices/experiences?

How about Mashape [https://www.mashape.com/] for easy start ?

You can test waters with consumption model and start in no time.

If you're targeting developers using S3, then they'd be most comfortable with Amazon style billing I would thing. It's probably best to align with that thinking.

I'd go with a mix of A and B. Package of credits that expire after some period of time.

C is more risky than all other options.

With Amazon-style billing, you would not necessarily have to offer a free tier. That would be my recommendation.

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