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Wordpress is an unauthenticated remote shell that also contains a blog (bash.org)
26 points by rbanffy on May 5, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I was just yesterday considering how secure Wordpress is and whether to run it as a blog separately from the main website (in a chroot/vm or on a totally different hardware).

It is known that most recent vulnerabilities were in third-party plug-ins and Wordpress has become much more secure than in it's early days. However, I am still hesitated to run one piece of open-sourced software which can work out as most likely the only remotely exploitable way to get in. Apache2 is the second one, but I can't recall it having remotely exploitable bugs in the last decade with it's default configuration.

Can someone elaborate, please?

QDB is a database of IRC quotes.

This undated entry alludes to both severity and volume of vulnerabilities in Wordpress Core, likely prior to the drive for security in ~2009.

Still humorous today despite the best efforts of the WP team because the exploit front-line is continually extended by poorly written plugins.

I'd also appreciate this!

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