Treasure Data | Mountain View, CA & Tokyo, Japan | Full-time
We are a Big Data cloud company (16 trillion rows of customer data so far) that provides data warehousing powered by Facebook's Presto query engine. Users query their data through our API (built with RoR) or web app, which we are currently rebuilding with Flux+React. If you want to build a beautiful user experience with the latest and greatest in frontend tech, talk to us!
This is a list of Engineering positions we currently have open:
* Fullstack Team Lead (RoR, AngularJS, ReactJS + Flux) Mountain View
* Senior Fullstack Dev (RoR, AngularJS, ReactJS + Flux) Mountain View
* Integrations Engineer (Java, Ruby) Mountain View, Tokyo
* MPP Software Engineer (Java, Scala) Mountain View, Tokyo
* Distributed Systems Engineer (Java, Ruby) Mountain View, Tokyo
We also have these other technical positions open:
* Data Scientist Mountain View
* Director of Sales Engineering Mountain View
* Technical Support Engineer Tokyo
We are a Big Data cloud company (16 trillion rows of customer data so far) that provides data warehousing powered by Facebook's Presto query engine. Users query their data through our API (built with RoR) or web app, which we are currently rebuilding with Flux+React. If you want to build a beautiful user experience with the latest and greatest in frontend tech, talk to us!
This is a list of Engineering positions we currently have open:
We also have these other technical positions open: A description and full summary of the open positions is available at are currently hiring only for on-site and full-time and we're open to people needing Visas.