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Fedora 12 Constantine is out (release notes) (fedoraproject.org)
19 points by mapleoin on Nov 17, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Noticed on the site:

> * Join Fedora

> * Get Help

Isn't the order mixed around here? Surely people need to be satisfied with an OS before they contribute to it?

Nope, it's exactly the way it should be. Fedora is aimed at contributors, not users. If you're not satisfied with it, come and contribute!

Fedora has all the latest, sometimes unstable programs that the FOSS community has to offer, it's a distribution meant for testing new things and contributing.

Hrm, that's changed when I worked at Red Hat and Fedora was announced: back then, Fedora was only unstable in terms of having a very short release cycle and ABI changes between those quick releases. It was still supposed to work reliably. If it's not aimed at end-users, it would be worth warning them that RHEL or CentOS would be more suited to them.

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