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Interesting, from the history section in [1]:

--- At Los Alamos, Monte Carlo computer codes developed along with computers. The first Monte Carlo code was the simple 19-step computing sheet in John von Neumann's letter to Richtmyer. But as computers became more sophisticated, so did the codes. At first the codes were written in machine language and each code would solve a specific problem. In the early 1960s, better computers and the standardization of programming languages such as Fortran made possible more general codes.


MCNP5, released in 2003, is rewritten in ANSI standard Fortran 90. It includes the addition of photonuclear collision physics, superimposed mesh tallies, time splitting, and plotter upgrades. MCNP5 also includes parallel computing enhancements with the addition of support for OpenMP and MPI. Large production codes such as MCNP have revolutionized science − not only in the way it is done, but also by becoming the repositories for physics knowledge. MCNP represents over 500 person-years of sustained effort. The knowledge and expertise contained in MCNP is formidable. ---

So it seems that Fortran is already the 50-year programming language.

[1]: https://laws.lanl.gov/vhosts/mcnp.lanl.gov/pdf_files/la-ur-0...

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