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Really? That's really interesting. I suppose that it makes for more open and honest presentations by the guest speakers. I'm really surprised that the presentations are off the record, however. I suppose that's why you hear zilch from the YC founders about the content of said discussions.

Do you have a NDA or just a gentleman's agreement?

iamelgringo .... check out the FAQ here: http://www.ycombinator.com/faq.html ... specifically the section "Will you sign an NDA? How do I know you won't steal my idea? "

Thanks, but I wasn't wondering if YC leadership would sign an NDA. I was wondering if all the founders had to sign an NDA for the dinner conversations, since they were "off the record".

I'm sure I'm being too nosy. It really isn't any of my business. I was just curious.

No, no one signs anything. The startup world is small enough that gentlemen's agreements work for most things.

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