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Show HN: Caddy, a cross-platform HTTP/2 web server (caddyserver.com)
208 points by mholt on April 28, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 87 comments

Hi HN. This was my hobby project over the last 4 months and it kept me sane through my hardest semester. Feedback and contributions are totally welcome. I know Caddy has a long way to go, but it's already replaced nginx and Apache for my own needs. I figured it was time to make this a community-driven project for all who are interested.

(Incidentally, I really hope my little Digital Ocean droplet can handle the load. Wouldn't that be ironic? Anyway, if you have trouble, try the plain HTTP/1.1 site or the GitHub project page: https://github.com/mholt/caddy)

Slightly off-topic: Try serverhub.com instead of digitalocean.com. They have much more flexible offerings and much more storage available for cheaper prices. I'm running a bunch of web sites off a single $18/mo plan VPS that gives me 120GB of SSD storage.

Thanks for the link; never looked into ServerHub before, but I will take a look. Their offering is appealing... wonder how they can afford that.

If you need any help, reach out to me directly via email at jonathanb@serverhub.com or on Skype at: JonathanBSH

Additionally, we have 24x7 chat, ask for Jonathan! :-)

Thanks for the reference! We definitely have some good services available! :-)

I have also found Ramnode to be cheaper than DO. Their support is also good and they have active IRC channel for quick help. Been using them from two years and no complaints so far.

Their security has been compromised on at least one occasion due to the platform they've built their service on (SolusVM).

Around two years ago a SolusVM zero day allowed attackers to:

- Partially or fully wipe most VPS, many of which could not be recovered

- Gain access to the database, including plaintext root VPS passwords, first name, last name, email

Not saying DigitalOcean is a fortress or anything but it hasn't been compromised on anything like this kind of scale.


- http://blogs.ixiacom.com/ixia-blog/the-speed-of-a-zero-day-s...

- https://clientarea.ramnode.com/announcements.php?id=183

That was indeed two years ago, with no further issues since. It was not most VPSs, though there were a few host nodes wiped. Regardless, we are in the process of fully replacing SolusVM with our own system.

Thank you!

Are they OpenVZ?

Yes, all of our VPS plans are OpenVZ.

Any plans for European datacenters?


We do not have any locations offshore yet, however we are looking to expand and open new datacenters in the years to come.

asking to learn: what diff does openVZ make over other options?

OpenVZ is a container based virtualization solution. Among other things it means you can't run your own kernel or make changes to the existing kernel.

The biggest problem I've encountered with it is not being able to set up certain iptables rules without a particular setting on the OpenVZ host being enabled (which often requires a support ticket).

To put it simply, OpenVZ works similarly to Docker rather than VirtualBox or VMWare and comes with similar benefits and limitations.

This looks amazing!

Your docs page 404s for me every other refresh and doesn't load with any CSS. I'm guessing this is a load problem?

Edit: Managed to load it with styling this time, it looks great :)

This is really cool. Out of curiosity, is there any support for the wsgi protocol? It would be really cool if I could use it with uWSGI.

I looked into it. There's only a couple WSGI libraries that I know of. Still not sure if either one would do: https://github.com/mattn/go-uwsgi or http://godoc.org/bitbucket.org/classroomsystems/wsgi.

Feel free to open an issue about it!

This is a sweet little web server. Good job putting it all together!

This is really impressive, well done!

Does it spawn processes?

Nope, it's just multi-threaded and, by default, will utilize all available cores. You can configure it to run commands at startup and shutdown, though, in which case yes, it would spawn processes.

It's worth noting:


That the actual web server in use is:


Which isn't to detract from the Caddy project which offers a tidy set of configuration options so that the lib is more like an Nginx executable with config files.

Perhaps the README can be updated though, as "Caddy binaries are available for nearly every platform and has no dependencies" is a bit misleading. The binary produced by Go may not have dependencies, but the Go code itself has a few large dependencies.

That's a good way to describe it, I was having trouble explaining that succinctly on my own! And I will update the project on GitHub to give due credit to libraries utilized.

Seriously impressed with the amount of work you've put into it... I didn't want to otherwise detract from your work, but it is a good idea to declare which 3rd party dependencies do exist just so that anyone forking it can be aware of this and ensure that they vendor it (using whatever their preferred method is).

I'd probably opt to change the phrasing to be clear that you're using these other libs, simply because they are well-proven, have a lot of mindshare, and that you're standing on the shoulders of giants and bringing it all together in an out-of-the-box server that people can immediately use is actually a great story.

bradfitz's http2 package will be rolled into Go's core upon completion so I don't feel it is at all inappropriate for Matt to state "No Dependencies."

I also had the impression this was some new web server when Caddy seems to be configuration glue of a WIP HTTP/2 server and external packages.

I see what you mean. That is a fair point.

I'm a little put-off by the baked-in Markdown compiler. It's partly concerning because of the many dialects of Markdown, and the various configuration options available for each one (which a server shouldn't need to support).

But also, in terms of Separation of Concerns, it doesn't seem like the server should be responsible for compilation tasks when it doesn't need to be. It would be much better to move that out into a separate tool for compiling Markdown to HTML (perhaps on-save, for authoring) - many of those already exist. Or, if you really wanted to perform compilation during a request, it could at least be moved out of the server core, into a FastCGI script (perhaps something like https://menteslibres.net/luminos/).

Oh, and that whole method of using a `Caddyfile` at the root of the project, for configuration, is quite nice.

I actually agree with you. I wonder if the Markdown middleware will turn into more of a "static site generator" anyway. There's definitely some room for change in this area of its development, so if you'd like, I'd welcome your involvement.

Hi! I've been working on my own nginx replacement in Go that uses bradfitz/http2: https://github.com/myfreeweb/443d

It has random load balancing, glob patterns for hosts, SSH proxying (like sslh) and, most importantly, proxying to UNIX sockets. And less code.

Maybe you could use my code to implement some of these features :-)

Thanks for sharing! I'll keep my eye on it. Will probably refer to it when I add load balancing and unix socket support.

Great job, but I noticed that the server gets just a B rating (ssllabs) due to:

    - rc4 acceptance
    - Session resumption (caching) No (IDs empty)
    - no OCSP stapling
    - Next Protocol Negotiation (NPN) Yes, but not signalling a http/1.1 fallback
I found no settings to change the TLS configuration. Is there any way to change it?

Not yet, but that's coming. Wanted to start simple and add more controls as needed. I'm cautious about changing any of the TLS stuff, especially with Let's Encrypt coming up soon.

As a designer who's been attempting to pick up some basic ops proficiency with apache over the past month or so, this looks brilliantly simple. Thanks!

I'm glad! That's exactly what it was designed for (and to scratch my own itches about configuring and maintaining other web servers).

There's a problem with your "For Designers/For Bloggers" section of the page rendering in Safari. The sections should be rendering side by side, I assume, but are vertically stacked instead.

Also, if you want to convince me to switch to Caddy from Nginx, perhaps a page with succinct explanation of its advantages would be helpful?

Lastly, this is just my opinion, but I don't want my web server to have a Markdown interpreter in it. That's not a job for the web server. It's very easy to put a very simple index file in front of Markdown to provide that functionality.

Ah, Safari. #FlexboxProbs I'll try to fix that soon!

Thanks for the rest of your feedback. I agree that a list of advantages needs to be more available. I'm looking forward to making that soon!

So when you say Caddy supports serving Markdown as HTML, is that normal, boring Markdown only, or does it implement CommonMark (or something else entirely)?

Also, do you have any plans to make Caddy support domain proxying (or whatever it's called) where you can specify that requests for certain sites should be proxied to a service running on another host + port combination (if it doesn't support that already)?

Definitely a cool project though. I'll keep an eye on it. Keep up the excellent work!

It could be extended to support other kinds of Markdown. Feel free to open an issue and suggest it!

Caddy does have basic reverse proxy functionality. Something like what you're suggesting could be `proxy / localhost:8005` - but this middleware will need more attention.

Not to detract from Caddy but we just released Kong[1] which is specifically tailored to what you described.

1. https://github.com/Mashape/kong/

Kong looks amazing! The performance is impressive.

I like the support for markdown... I wonder if other web servers are thinking of supporting or already support that feature? Does it recognize GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM)?

mholt said that Markdown support can be enhanced in a comment above (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9453216).

There exists a native Go package to render GFM, see second from the top at https://github.com/avelino/awesome-go#text-processing.

I've been looking at your GFM package, looks good! It's on my roadmap for possible future integration. I also want to see support for the kind of Markdown files that Hugo serves, with front matter. So there's lots of possibilities for the Markdown middleware right now.

Not to sound ungrateful. But would it be possible to split your GFM package into its own repo? Because it's currently a PITA to vendor because it pulls half the world with it?

Absolutely, that's a fair request.

Someone has already opened an issue about it at https://github.com/shurcooL/go/issues/19, and I'm planning to take care of it.

Edit: Oh, I guess that was you.

Freehold currently does this:


Really nice work on the documentation. As a front end designer who doesn't do much server config, I'm finding it very easy get my head around it.

There are a few directives I'm used to from Nginx which seem to be absent from a quick perusal of the docs, but perhaps you can help?

Returning a non 200 or 300 redirect code.

Stripping headers

Deciding status on more than server name and path

Finally, there was discussion earlier on HN on how to write plugins which communicate via sockets... Might be an interesting addition to consider adding to your middleware API.

Not yet. But I would love to know your thoughts about how you'd like header stripping to work, as well as more information about the others; feel free to open an issue so I don't forget. :)

Looking good! I really like the list of features in your roadmap, those will be some big wins that will really set Caddy apart from other web server software.

One recommendation I would make is the addition of some simple load balancing, even round robin would be great.

Love the idea. One of my long-term goals is for Caddy to be able to connect with other instances of Caddy, both for site deployment and load balancing.

Hey, I'm curious. How are you producing the build for all those platforms?

You are probably aware of this. But on Windows and Chrome, when I try to open a documentation page for "templates", it downloads a templates.gz file to my computer. It does this for 90% of the documentation pages. Very annoying, I have to cleanup a few files now :) Other than that the documentation is really lacking. I wanted to spend time looking into the work you've done but I haven't managed to do much besides having a static file server because of the bad documentation. I starred the project on github, hopefully it will keep getting better.

Oops. Will try to pinpoint that gz problem. What kind of things would you yet like to see in the documentation?

To what extent does this leverage the capabilities of HTTP/2? Can I do things like give a higher priority to certain content?

For that, Caddy relies on this library: https://github.com/bradfitz/http2 - I know that there is some dependency tree/prioritization work being done.

Thanks for the info. Consider that you probably won't just be able to obtain this feature from http2 for free - you probaby also want to make your Caddyfiles support some smooth configs for setting these sorts of options.

For sure. I'll keep an eye on the progress of the library to see what will be configurable.

    404 Not Found

His site is being hugged to death ATM. https://github.com/mholt/caddy/

Oops. Figures, I forgot to set up custom error pages for today.

Interesting project, starring it for the future. Especially like the custom headers, gzip and simple config file. I'm curious are there similar projects like this in Python/Ruby that are more mature? With auto-reload and more production-ready documentation?

https://caddyserver.com/blogging Is giving me a 404.

Edit: Following the link from the homepage works, but hitting F5 or loading it without a referrer provides a 404. Weird.

This looks like a cool project. Is it just me or has Caddy carried on the grand web server tradition of using a config file format that is sort of like, but not quite any other existing format.

Can the server serve HTTP/1 too? If not, does anyone know of a server that can serve both HTTP/1 and HTTP/2?

Yep. A client must declare that it supports HTTP/2, otherwise the server will fall back to HTTP/1.1. Also, any plaintext HTTP connection will not be HTTP/2 (major implementations of HTTP/2 don't support plaintext).

Thank you, I never realised that was how it worked!

Excellent! I might start using it for some servers, however nginx is still the go-to server for high traffic cdn servers.

Nice job gopher! I will try to deploy on some of my personal sites.

Is this the first http2 server released?

If I'm not mistaken it is Brad Fitz HTTP2' work from the Go team and will be in the standard library in the future.

Thanks. And not really; I've seen others (like Algernon; on GitHub) around before this one. HTTP/2 barely hit the final spec a couple months ago so I expect we'll see more mainstream support later this year.

Nope, nghttp2 and h2o have been floating around for a long time now.

Text fonts (not the headers) are hard to read on chrome/firefox on archlinux.

Looks good otherwise!

Anyone know how you can reverse proxy based on authenticated user?

With Caddy or another solution.

Sticky sessions usually work by IP address. They route requests from the same IP address to the same server.

Nginx+ claims it does so (I didn't purchase it). HAProxy can be configured to use sticky sessions.

I would like to send each user to a different location, based on credentials.

Apache v2 license, in case anyone was wondering

Awesome! I will try it for my personal website

Great work Matt!

Any benchmarks available?

I recommend running your own based on your needs, but I did some very simple, un-scientific benchmarks[1] anyway.

[1] https://caddyserver.com/docs/faq

Very nice!

Keep it rocking bro!

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