I have been writing iOS apps for a few years and wanted to get into the habit of writing regularly. So I started writing a weekly newsletter about iOS app development. There are several programming-related newsletters that curate links and annotate each with a short comment. They are really useful for keeping tracking of new stuff. There are also several newsletters that deliver quality in-depth content.
iOS Development Nuggets doesn't complete with them. What you get is a short tip every week, usually code related that you can read in a few minutes and hopefully, pick up something useful. Occasionally, I throw in a few links to open source code or apps/services that I find useful. Depth-wise, I'd say this is mostly for developers with beginner-medium level knowledge of iOS app development.
I have never actively promoted this since I never knew when I would give up, but after writing weekly for 2.5 years, I think it's time :) Also dusted off the old Twitter account I set up a long while back: https://twitter.com/iosdevnuggets.
URL goes to email archives and sign up form. Let me know your thoughts and any suggestion to improve. Thanks!