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It took a long time, but for nearly fifty years this effort has carried on, successfully I think, but hardly anyone recalls that the origins of the effort were very deliberate and came about when the nighttime downtown was the precise opposite of what it is today, and few people probably think of it as involving a conscious goal then or now. They just think "that's the way Seattle is." But Seattle wasn't.

This should remind us of yesterday's post (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9400259) about the importance of long-term planning. The good things about today came about because people decades ago consciously made efforts to make them happen. The good things that are to come—light rail, bike lanes, reasonable rents that stem from increasing housing supply—are only going to come if people consciously make efforts to make them happen.

See also Zero to One (http://jakeseliger.com/2014/09/24/zero-to-one-peter-thiel-an...).

Those efforts also need humility. In San Jose, Rod Diridon and the VTA thought the city would radically reshape itself around the light rail, which didn't really happen: http://www.mercurynews.com/traffic-old/ci_22264605/25-years-...

For those not familiar with the VTA, I'll just say that it's the kind of light rail system that passes by the airport, but the closest stop to the terminal is more than a mile's walk away.

Not serving the airport is amazing.

It runs so damn close along North First, its a crime it wasn't connected in the first place.

I've seen this mistake repeated in numerous cities.

Article is a bit old but it is sorta happening along first street. There is a significant increase in density along the first street and Tasman corridor - anchored by Samsungs huge new campus. I expect light rail usage over the next 3-5 years to greatly increase at least in North SJ.

And light rail along Tasman and North First is slow as heck.

You're better off walking if you're in a hurry anyway. You'll get to your destination just as fast as the VTA will take you there.

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