Effectively all of Oracle's "open source" things come from Sun Microsystems, upon which Oracle happily latched onto and sucked dry.
Oracle has what's called the "sidaM Touch". It's like the Midas Touch, but instead of gold, everything Oracle touches turns to shit:
Java -> shit (though maybe slightly less so now).
Solaris -> shit. OpenSolaris -> shit, now dead (thank the Lord for illumos).
OpenOffice -> shit.
GridEngine -> shit. Lustre -> almost became shit and died; would have if it weren't for the Oracle-side devs jumping ship.
NetBeans -> in the process of becoming shit.
MySQL -> shit (though it pretty much already was; somehow, though, Oracle managed to make that worse and prompt the existence of MariaDB); I realize this wasn't Sun's, but it's still an open-source project that Oracle assaulted, robbed, and left to die on the cold streets by the dock where Larry Ellison's (admittedly pretty badass) sailboat is docked.
OpenDS -> dead (though it was mercifully forked into OpenDJ).
Project Wonderland -> now limping around as "Open Wonderland" after Oracle forcibly amputated its leg.
By some miracle, the only things that haven't completely turned to shit or died (or both) yet are Virtualbox and SPARC (though OpenSPARC is effectively dead since Oracle didn't continue it).
Yes. I'm honestly baffled that anyone thinks that Oracle has a admirable history of contributions to open source. When a software company is so large (and especially when they buy a company like Sun) one can always cherry pick examples in oracles favor, but on the whole, I see oracle trying to exploit open source software, and they don't seem to play nice with others.
I can't even find a single example from Oracle that would be cherry-pickable as evidence for their supposed open-source-friendliness. Literally every open-source project that Oracle owns has stagnated at best (aside from maybe Java; while I'm personally unimpressed by Java 8, I know there are a few people who would disagree with me), and at worse has significantly deteriorated, died entirely, been shoved off onto some other organization, or resulted in a fork, and sometimes all of the above has happened (see also: OpenOffice).
Like, I'm a pretty well-natured person in general and am happy to give even some of the most despicable companies the benefit of the doubt on occasion, but I seriously can't find a single reason to do so for Oracle. They're just that fucking irredeemable.
JVM (not Java) gained invokedynamic, which is an amazing work. invokedynamic work was paid for by Oracle, so at least I am thankful to Oracle for advancing the open source there.
MySQL wasn't acquired by Sun; that was a direct acquisition by Oracle in order to snuff out the most significant player in the realm of open-source SQL databases (and thus snuff out one of the most significant competitors to Oracle's flagship, Oracle DB).
As a result, MySQL is effectively dead outside of legacy deployments that haven't migrated to PostgreSQL, MariaDB, or one of the NoSQL monstrosities like MongoDB.
Even InnoDB was eventually forked; MariaDB and Percona both use XtraDB nowadays, probably because they didn't feel like being tied to something that - like every other open-source project Oracle has owned - would be fated to eventually wither and die.
What do you mean MySQL was not aquired by Sun? I was among ~400 MySQL employees in Orlando when the deal was announced. Yes, Sun was later bought by Oracle.
Huh. I always thought that Oracle acquired MySQL directly, but it turns out I was wrong (Sun did so in 2008). I guess you learn something new every day.
Maybe I was thinking of InnoDB or BerkeleyDB or somesuch and just conflated them all together...
Fucking no.
Effectively all of Oracle's "open source" things come from Sun Microsystems, upon which Oracle happily latched onto and sucked dry.
Oracle has what's called the "sidaM Touch". It's like the Midas Touch, but instead of gold, everything Oracle touches turns to shit:
Java -> shit (though maybe slightly less so now).
Solaris -> shit. OpenSolaris -> shit, now dead (thank the Lord for illumos).
OpenOffice -> shit.
GridEngine -> shit. Lustre -> almost became shit and died; would have if it weren't for the Oracle-side devs jumping ship.
NetBeans -> in the process of becoming shit.
MySQL -> shit (though it pretty much already was; somehow, though, Oracle managed to make that worse and prompt the existence of MariaDB); I realize this wasn't Sun's, but it's still an open-source project that Oracle assaulted, robbed, and left to die on the cold streets by the dock where Larry Ellison's (admittedly pretty badass) sailboat is docked.
OpenDS -> dead (though it was mercifully forked into OpenDJ).
Project Wonderland -> now limping around as "Open Wonderland" after Oracle forcibly amputated its leg.
By some miracle, the only things that haven't completely turned to shit or died (or both) yet are Virtualbox and SPARC (though OpenSPARC is effectively dead since Oracle didn't continue it).