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Socket.io is wayyyyy more noob-friendly. If you send json over the wire, socket.io automatically converts it to a javascript object or array for you, ready to be used. The best feature however is that you can send emit any string as an event :

socket.emit("hello"); and the server can listen on this event with socket.on("hello"). If you want to do the same thing with the reference WebSocket you have to re-implement the same thing again and you will probably end up recoding the wrapper that socket.io already gives you.

> If you send json over the wire, socket.io automatically converts it to a javascript object or array for you, ready to be used.

That's literally 4 lines

    // sender
    ws.send({event: JSON.stringify(someObject));

    // receiver
    ws.on('message', function(str) {
       obj = JSON.parse(str);
> socket.emit("hello"); and the server can listen on this event with socket.on("hello").

This is hardly any more lines of code

    // sender
    function sendEvent(eventName, data) {
      ws.send(JSON.stringify({event: eventName, data: data}));

    // receiver
    ws.on('message', function(str) {
      var eventInfo = JSON.parse(str);
      eventEmittier.emit(eventInfo.event, eventInfo.data);

Sure I'm glossing over a few things but EventEmitter is 10-20 lines depending on how crazy you want to get and wrapping both in a objects is probably another 10-20 lines

socket.io on the other hand is a C node.js plugin and 61000 lines of JS code :(

Socket.IO also gives you things like cross-everything callbacks:

     // server
     io.emit('event', function (msg) { console.log('Client responded!', msg) })

     // client
     io.on('event', function (cb) { cb('This is my response') })
And it also provides socket namespacing, and "rooms" (a bit like chat rooms), and broadcasts, and a bunch of things that I don't use.

Sure, you can bolt all of that on in probably a few hundred lines, but socket.io also doesn't just do sockets and events :)

(And it also does it in less than 61000 lines. You still need the "ws" module to do WebSocket stuff in Node, even if you don't use socket.io)

Socket.io also transparently handles sessioning and resuming of sessions (automatic reconnect), namespaces, filters, and a ton of other useful stuff for a moderately-complex application. If I'm just sending events between client and server (say, live-updating a common twitstream), regular ws is fine. But if I'm selecting and reflecting certain events to other connected clients by room, and don't want to worry about stuff like "oh hey, that guy needs to re-handshake because he lost network", socket.io provides a lot of useful sugar.

You don't even need an event emitter. In many cases you might just use switch(){}.

I don't normally like bashing open-source projects, but socket.io should not be used. It may be noob-friendly, but that's just because it does things so automatically that you can't really use it correctly. When I was a websockets noob, I used socket.io briefly, and it was a complete waste of time.

See, for example, https://github.com/Automattic/socket.io-client/issues/572 (closed without comment).

If you want a nice websockets library that handles old browsers, use SockJS. It's far better.

[edit: fixed a silly typo]

Agreed - I've been using SockJS for a while and haven't had any issues. It's got a super-simple API. (intended to be as close to the WebSocket API as possible)

If your language of choice has a SockJS implementation, I'd recommend it as a first option.

This is trivial to do yourself. JSON.stringify(), JSON.parse(), switch() {}. It's not really some massive benefit of using the library. And this way there's no magic.

Also, magically trying to decode strings if they look like JSON sounds rather scary.

> Also, magically trying to decode strings if they look like JSON sounds rather scary.

That's not what's going on. Each message is tagged with a "type", and one of the tags means "JSON.parse this into an object" while another means "this is just a string".

The rest of the types are for control messages (like ping/pong), I believe.

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