Can we collaborate to predict YC interview invites before they're sent? I think we can.
As I sat in front of my computer last night, I had a funny thought: "Even if they hate me, YC must have watched my founder's video, right?" and logged into YouTube.
With a little bit of filtering I was able to home in on 4 video views that must have been YC staff, all on April 4. 2 in SF, 1 in CO, 1 in NY (partial). You can check it out here:
Part of me just likes the idea of hacking an admissions process. If part of you does too, it would be fun to get as much data as we can and see if YC video viewing patterns are related to invitation decisions.
Not a lot of people would have the analytics in place, but it would be interesting to further correlate results with YC demo testing patterns to get a more complete picture of the admissions funnel.