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Hey, finally I can contribute with something here...

1. Walk/Jogging: I started last year with 100m walk/100m jogging in a rout of 4.1km that`s the size of the park here (about 35-40 minutes to go). Today I`m almost 100% jogging the rout. But you need to strengh your knees and muscles to avoid injuries. About 3 times a week is ok, you need to let your body rest - don`t be a exercise maniac or you with fuck up your body. The exercise it`s addictive, you feel alive, always pushing your limit. I go 6am, run, watch the sunrise, stretch, meditate a while and think about life - it`s the best way to start the day.

2. Strength: Started this year, two times a week, now going three. Not big monster training, the main focus is knees, legs, back and belly, this will help you to keep the hours staying in front of the computer. Some stretch in the end. Also bought some hand exercise thing to make my fingers stronger and avoid repetitive strain injury. Try to get some professional help at last in the beginning, do a test to know your body and what you really need. I also started a diet now.

3. 50 rule: Work/study 50 minutes with full focus and rest 10. Do some stretch on my arms and hands, walk a little, drink something... whatever. I use the http://www.workrave.org/ to help me on this.

4. For mental health: Meditation. I do this for a while now.... started with 10 minutes a day, now I do three times a day of 10 minutes. It`s amazing. In the beginning you don`t realize that you can`t stand yourself without any distraction for 10 fucking minutes. Just be there, don`t focus on your thoughts, let them go. I`m using this book that merges cientific stuff with buddhism, but you can use only the cientific part: http://www.amazon.com/Buddhism-With-An-Attitude-Seven-Point/... ---- also watch this TED Talk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzR62JJCMBQ

5. This week I went to the physiotherapist and my back is crooked, my shoulders twisted, my neck is bounded like i`m reading a fucking book while i`m walking... life make you this, life get`s you crooked and you don`t even realize it until you`re old and suffering. So... I`m taking good care of posture and doing RPG, no no no, not AD&D... Global Posture Re-Education - https://sites.google.com/site/rpguk123/

6. Training to have multiple orgasm. I want to take my sexual life to another level, to be able to have and orgasm and not ejaculate, to keep going until the limits of my body. Women do this easily, but to men it`s another history, it takes a lot of trainning and effort. They say it`s possible, so I`m whilling to do it. Look for Mantak Chia books.

I think it`s it... change one thing your life and you will change everything, start walking, then jogging, then some streght training, the next day you will be avoiding eat crap, and stuff that doesn`t matter and everything in your life goes with it, no more distractions.

Don`t do everything at once or it will be overwhelming, feel your body, feel your self, specially, find yourself. I suggest reading two books: 1) The power of habit, to help you develop this new habits and 2) The way of superior man, a book that explains things to men in a way anyone does, this book changed my life in all ways, you`ll understand life, goals and women.

best wishes, I now my english sucks!

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