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RubyMonk – Free, interactive tutorials to help you discover Ruby idioms (rubymonk.com)
84 points by lobo_tuerto on April 2, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

This site seems awesome! The only thing that is confusing is that there doesn't seem to be a 'next lesson' button anywhere. I had to go into 'Library -> View Contents' to see all of the lessons.

fokinsean, there is a 'Next' button in the sticky footer on every lesson. Hope that helps.


at the very bottom of my screen there is a next lesson link.

missed it, thanks!

By far my favorite resource for learning Ruby, still the first link I share with anyone looking to learn. Personally I like that it is rather to-the-point, I find most sites to be too wordy.

I just stumbled upon Ruby Monk two days ago and loved it. I've done some Ruby in the past and needed a refresher. CodeSchool seemed very disjointed, even for someone who isn't a beginner. Ruby Monk takes you through the basics without dragging it out and logically progresses so that you're never at a point and wondering how you got there or what it has to do with what you learned before.

Ruby Monk has the perfect formula for self-paced language learning.

Note to tomc1985: it looks like your posts are all dead going back a very long time (years). Could be a mistake, or an ancient comment; might be worth contacting the HN management.


tomc1985 59 minutes ago [dead]

Yukihiro Matsumoto Creator of Ruby "I am having fun learning Ruby at http://rubymonk.com. I like this type of lessons ;-)"

Huh? This is the guy who wrote the language. Weirdest endorsement ever...

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