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The suggestions below are solid:

  Python + matplotlib
I've used and been impressed by both. Starlight and Palantir may fit your needs, but those tend closer to enterprise applications -- I get the sense you're searching for something lighter.

Some more suggestions:

DAVIX [D] A live CD distribution containing lots of visualization tools, from capture to parsing to presentation.

SecViz and their "graph exchange" [0] -- lots of pictures of various datasets, usually with details of how it was produced.

Personally, I found most packages too restrictive and fell back on Processing: http://processing.org A project out of the MIT Media Lab, it's a generic graphics framework you can (among other things) produce 2D time series graphs in. It's still tedious, but tedium is traded for control.

Some of my projects in Processing:

http://jjguy.com/som/ - Self Organizing Maps

http://jjguy.com/life/ - Conway's Game of Life

I don't have a great time series write-up posted, but I've been working with Robert May's population model recently. [1] You can find the source at [2] and example output image at [3].

[D] http://secviz.org/content/the-davix-live-cd

[0] http://secviz.org/category/image-galleries/graph-exchange

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logistic_function#In_ecology:_m...

[2] http://jjguy.com/populationModel.pde

[3] http://jjguy.com/normal.png

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