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We have cars navigating america autonomously as we speak. [1]

From a regulatory perspective, I think driver-less cars are making better progress than drones, because auto regulations are more relaxed than air.


... Oh god I just linked the daily mail. Sorry I'm at work and picked the first link when I googled.

Just for comparison, I had phones (flip-phones, mind you) from Samsung, LG, and Motorola with NFC in 2006. We could use them at MCD's, 7-eleven, and a few other places. Fast-forward 9 years and there has been little uptake, except that there are phones actually available to people with NFC, and acceptance is more commonplace.

In general, people take much longer to adopt new technology than we would like to see.

edit: grammar

No, actually we don't. From your article's headline:

"Two people will be in the specially rigged Audi in case of emergencies"

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