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Hiring Qualified Workers: Is It Really That Hard? (conference-board.org)
2 points by Futurebot on March 27, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

The inverse of opportunistic upskilling is a readjustment of skill levels to reality. There are only so many "Purple Squirrels" to go around, and in a tighter labor market, these individuals will work for the highest bidder.

This may also explain the push by large employers to remove the cap on H-1B visas, as that allows talent to be drawn to the US from all over the world.Bringing H-1B visas to the US is better than opening offices in other countries as US employment laws are more business friendly than the rest of the world. Employment-at-will is an alien concept in developed countries. Employers may threaten to open offices in other countries, but they prefer to import H-1B visas as indentured servants to the US to work under employment-at-will law.

Translation: "People won't work for the near $0 we want to pay them".

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