The guy who ran on "hope" was elected President twice, and then continued doing the same things his predecessor did that we "hoped" that he would stop.
I didn't feel that way. Obama is just the president, not a dictator whatever the republicans would like us to believe. But he did getone thing important done in a term that was otherwise quite lacking in oppurtunities.
He had the power to roll back, or at least stop using, the executive powers that Bush established. Instead, he expanded them, to the point of personally authorizing the extrajudicial killing of American citizens overseas.
Can you imagine how it would have went if he didn't do that? I mean, ya, sucky choice, but when the Republicans are ready to pounce on him for being weak on national security ("see we told you Obama was a weak"), I see how it is hard to go backwards.
If there is one thing Americans hate more than they gov killing Americans abroad, its Americans getting killed by terrorists at home. Ya, this is a very abstract threat, but politics revolves around it.