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Actually, I was wrong (also in my sibling comment):


(Linked from the github page). So there are debs available of gogs. Trying to figure out how to build a deb from the git repo, but if all you want is upstream binary debs, you appear to be covered.

See this stackoverflow q/a -- it appears to contain most of the current highlights. Basically Ubuntu has started packaging a few go apps, and fpm[f] seems to be an ok alternative in the meanwhile:


packager.io (which upstream googs uses) seems to be a nice way to just get packages out there, but as far as I can tell it's pretty well walled-off behind a service, so no easy way to build locally, off-line, or without using packager.io etc. In that sense it strikes me as a poor choice for Free software, as there is no promise that things will continue to work, or can be made to work, long term.

[f] https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm

I've used FPM for small things that aren't too complex but I certainly wouldn't trust the Ubuntu packaging team.

I think I have an idea where you're comming from, but that's still a little too harsh. In case of programs written in go, it's not really all that complicated I think: go pretty much "solves" (ignores by forcing vendoring in) source/build dependencies -- and the resulting build is only a binary and resources. So it's a pretty good fit for stuffing in a cpio/deb-file -- I think what's mostly lacking on the Debian side is motivation (some package or other that is written in go).

Actually, come to think of it... might be time to have a look at apt-get source docker.io...

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