If you're using logic that assumes the entity you're interacting with "can perform advanced logical inferences, deductions, etc." but don't understand how to dumb it down for a computer, does that not mean that somewhere you don't have a grasp of something? What is that something, is it logic? I'm playing devil's advocate more than anything but I think being able to tell a computer step by step what to do requires logic, albeit perhaps a specific type of logic.
It's logical sentiments that have faded to the unconscious. If the society you are within has the same elements in their unconsciousness, information bandwidth to convey a message is reduced for all parties, with An unknown amount of subtle complexities (within messages) still successfully conveyed.
This idea (amongst many other gems) comes from a great short book I just finished on cybernetics (old, old book)
The Human Use of Human Beings (1950) by Norbert Weiner
But I'm more on your side, only because I think we should be able to elaborate on the elements that faded to the unconscious, since if we cannot, we will not be able to apply the subtle rules in novel ways