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If content regulations happen, they'll come in with the new flavor of the month, i.e. 'social justice.' There will be vague statutes against 'harassment' I'm guessing, and anyone decrying their vagueness or broadness will be decried a racist, sexist shitlord. You won't get 80's style 'Christian moralism' language in 2020.

> Are you suggesting it's some kind of conspiracy?

Despite the Tumblr feminist movement, I don't think most people are in favor of this sort of regulation, and there isn't sufficient monetary motivation that I can see for such regulation to happen.

However, I do agree that this kind of regulation would also be bad. But again: we can cross that bridge when (if?) we come to it.

Your mistake is to imagine that you have any power at all to affect such outcomes and processes. They will be guided by media/PR/social forces, not your arguments. I guess it's the universal democratic conceit of the 'we.'

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