Ok, serious question here. Considering that you are cloning git repos and apparently "bigger" repos as well, I find myself confused by the following.
"There was only one problem. The test took between 15 seconds and 25 seconds. This was way too long."
Why is 15-25 seconds too long? Did you have speed requirements that had to be met? Was this a performance issue that is being glossed over in the article?
The problem was not so much that the operation took 15-25 seconds. It was that it added 15-25 seconds to run the tests. We basically ran this testing suite every time we added a couple of lines to the codebase to make sure we were on the right track (too much maybe?). So the problem was that it made our development workflow slower, not that the operation being tested was slow.
"There was only one problem. The test took between 15 seconds and 25 seconds. This was way too long."
Why is 15-25 seconds too long? Did you have speed requirements that had to be met? Was this a performance issue that is being glossed over in the article?