Mmm, just like neckbeard identity is formed not by who they are but by the trivia they know, and startup founder identity is formed not by who they are but by the money they have in the bank...
This site's entire purpose seems to be about showing what people carry with them every day, yet the pictures are small and hard to distinguish, and they don't even offer an explanation of what the product is, why the person carries it, why they chose that product or what they use it for. Does anyone know of any similar sites that go into the products that people use and why? I'd love to read that much more than whatever this is.
>>they don't even offer an explanation of what the product is, why the person carries it, why they chose that product or what they use it for.
It is a interview with the guy answering what products he carry's with him- Some interviewees offer more on the 'why' than others of course. You can also click on the items in the post to see what they are as well. There is also a list of items next to the photo. Hope this helps clear it up!
And I see very few interview questions asking why they use the specific products they use and what they use them for. Asking what someone uses their EDC for does not lead the interviewee towards that kind of answer. I see the list of items, but the link doesn't even direct to a product page, just what appears to be an Amazon referral page.
He also has a penchant for Valentino suits and Oliver Peoples glasses. Marcus and I even go to the same barber, although I have a slightly better haircut.
Doesn't anyone pay attention to what's "above the fold" anymore? I mean, I know browser window sizes differ, but I don't even see the headline on a 1213x683 window.
For years, digital designers' aversion for whitespace prevented any kind of visually pleasing rhythm. Today, web sites feature so much whitespace that it prevents... yeah, any kind of visually pleasing rhythm. I call that irony.
Looks much more interesting that what they have on reddit (They have a huge EDC subreddit), which is basically people showing off their concealed guns and knifes.