2) I'd still want to use insurance, particularly as there is variability in the cost.
3) Some things listed require prescriptions to be filled. In those cases, I assume I'm still going to have to get dressed and drive to the pharmacy, at which point, what it is the benefit?
4) Some insurance carriers provide services similar to this. A few years back, I had a physical injury which left my physically limited for several months. My insurance actually covered the cost of a physical therapist coming to my house to make sure I knew how to get around in my limited state, to make minor alterations around the house, and to begin physical therapy. In talking to the insurance company and the therapist, there were a ton of different in-home services that they provided - unfortunately I was way too doped up to remember what the other services were they provided.
2) I'd definitely make that possibility more visible in any marketing.
3) Again, I'd make that a bit more visible in any marketing. (As a single person, if I'm going to have to schlep myself to the pharmacy, I might as well start at the clinic that's in the same building. So, I'm clearly not your targetmarket on this point.)
2) I'd still want to use insurance, particularly as there is variability in the cost.
3) Some things listed require prescriptions to be filled. In those cases, I assume I'm still going to have to get dressed and drive to the pharmacy, at which point, what it is the benefit?
4) Some insurance carriers provide services similar to this. A few years back, I had a physical injury which left my physically limited for several months. My insurance actually covered the cost of a physical therapist coming to my house to make sure I knew how to get around in my limited state, to make minor alterations around the house, and to begin physical therapy. In talking to the insurance company and the therapist, there were a ton of different in-home services that they provided - unfortunately I was way too doped up to remember what the other services were they provided.