I recommend this link to anyone contemplating storing/querying hierarchical data in sql/rdbms. The "LR Method" is the best solution I've found. Does not depend on vendor specific funcationality and/or keywords:
If you're running one-off queries, you probably won't have issues using recursion, but there are a lot of instances where you really don't want to run a complex SQL statement for each of the 1M users reading data from your site. Selecting the proper database table structure can help dramatically!
For example, take any data structured as a tree. If there are more writes than reads, it's pretty easy to put new data in place and your read becomes recursive. When you have vastly more reads than writes it's almost always better to "pre-order" the data. I've had good success with using the modified pre-ordered lists for tree structures but other table formats and processing can be used for other data types. Sometimes it's just careful but non-obvious indexing.
So essentially this is Oracle SQL - does anyone know if there are analogous similar START WITH and CONNECT BY keywords for other platforms? (author mentions MSSQL has the them, but no mention of MySQL/MariaDB or PGSQL).
Recursive CTEs are strictly more powerful than Oracle's START WITH/CONNECT BY and are supported by most databases (pretty much everything other than the MySQL/MariaDB family -- SQLServer, Oracle, Postgres, even SQlite.)
To be fair to Oracle, START WITH/CONNECT BY has been available in Oracle a lot longer than CTEs as part of the SQL standard have existed.
There are, of course, many very large databases that would need something like this. However, I've found that most small sites I've worked on, a simple "lineage" system in a completely flat single table is more than adequate.
I like your final solution for a calendar. I've implemented a calendar like this in a jasper report (on Oracle), with hyperlinks to actions on that date . Your SQL is cleaner to read. However on my environment the week numbers don't line up correctly. I had to change the line
This seems to be taking advantage of a specific Oracle feature whose performance I have no idea about, there are suggestions that Common Table Expressions could do the same sort of thing but since CTE performance is generally horrible I'd be concerned that you get nice syntax and horrible performance. Does anyone have a suggestion as to how you could do something similar across different DBs without basically killing performance or am I missing something here?
I recommend actually trying it (e.g. PostgreSQL CTE) on a problem you are trying to solve, if you haven't already.
People tend to report the bad cases, and stay silent for the good cases, which can contribute to a sense of fear of the feature. It could have started from a real issue, or it could just be someone trying to solve the traveling salesman problem with fake data and then blogging when it's slow.
In the read-mostly case, you can use an adjacency list, use a query with a CTE to generate a heirarchy in a materialized view which is updated when you write to the main table, and query against the materialized view. You still pay the performance cost for the CTE, but only on writes, not every read.
I have not included CTE's because I wanted to show pure recursion queries without the use of this. I think CTE's will be faster though but I have yet to verify this.