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Tell HN: Making my profitable iOS App free and then shutting it down
1 point by rithal on Jan 19, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
I am making my profitable (although not enough to feed a family of four) app now free https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/best-travel-offline-maps-guides/id501782148?mt=8. I will be shutting it down end of this month.

Reason? My service provider (Dreamhost) did a bait-and-switch on me: I sent email before I opened an account describing what I will be using their site for and whether it is okay according to their acceptable use policy. They said Yes. Earlier this month, their tech support team gave me a one week notice that they will remove all my files from the site in a week's time, saying it violated their AUP. I guess their 'unlimited' is not really working out for them now that they moved to all SSD (this is just my speculation BTW).

I could technically try to sue them etc but I don't have the motivation, given my day job.

So I am making the app free for anyone to download and use. It used to be $2.99.

If anyone is interested in taking the app's source code and going with it, let me know. There are two teams asking for it already. So, rather than give it to the first one who asks for it, I will do a selection at the end of the month. Entry criteria - find a way to send me an email without asking me for my email address.

Well then, you didn't make it easy Ravi.

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