To be honest, I'm not sure why your own comment adds to the discussion either.
I appreciate my time in EPA, because it was a little microcosm that trapped some of the larger, harder problems of the real-world, hidden inside the bubble that is silicon valley.
I suppose it is that.
[1] dead link made a snarky comment towards bravery and a movie flick.
I think you might be reading too much into it. Spending time in EPA was a constant reminder that I was voluntarily stepping into a bubble everytime we left. The dichotomy was and is still unbelievable.
A lot of people have the distorted view of SV as some golden paradise, where the roads are paved with 1's and 0's. That is not the case. There are very real problems, but most times people try to talk about it, it's always rooted in some struggle to make SV better (e.g. housing).
To be honest, I'm not sure why your own comment adds to the discussion either.
I appreciate my time in EPA, because it was a little microcosm that trapped some of the larger, harder problems of the real-world, hidden inside the bubble that is silicon valley.
I suppose it is that.
[1] dead link made a snarky comment towards bravery and a movie flick.