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Long-Term Culture of Stem Cells from Adult Human Liver (cell.com)
36 points by signa11 on Dec 25, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

We are getting within spitting distance of a revolution here.

The convergence of stem-cell research, gene therapy, bio-printing, cybernetics, prosthetics and AI may make the concept of human seem somewhat antiquated rather rapidly.

Also, as an extra bonus, it will probably confuse the shit out of all but the most creative of racists.

yup indeed. the fact that they were able to use the donor cells, and expand them in-vitro is imho, a major deal.

here is the link to an excellent summary of this achievement from "bopplegurp" on reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/2qabhs/functional_a...

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