I find my version much more readable. I am a hobbyist, is there anything better in beardo's version apart from being re-usable? Mine seems more like a direct transformation of the "verbal" logic into simple code.
for ($i=1;$i<=100;$i++) {
if ( ($i%3===0) AND ($i%5===0) ) {
echo "FizzBuzz\n";
} else if ($i%3===0) {
echo "Fizz\n";
} else if ($i%5===0) {
echo "Buzz\n";
} else {
echo $i."\n";
Three things, mine is PHP 5.6 (Generator), second, I'm only using both 'Fizz' and 'Buzz' once. Maybe you can try to rewrite your code to something similar that concatenates the two strings ;) Last, mine version does not rely on `echo`, it generates a list and uses an foreach to print it.