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Show HN: Marvel – Structured Financial News (inferess.com)
31 points by jnenglish on Dec 12, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Hey HN! We just launched our public beta of Marvel. Would love to hear some feedback.

Also check out:

- Our blog post "A Revolution in the Structure of your Financial News" (http://blog.inferess.com/)

- Inferess, company behind Marvel: http://inferess.com/about

nice job. i'll check it out.

Solid product and value proposition. Quick access to relevant information is the competitive edge that any investor needs to win in today's market. Marvel will win because the established players have failed to address investors' need for quick, reliable data and analysis.

I don't work in the financial sector so I can't say that I'd use this regularly. It certainly seems like this would be a huge time saver because it distills a lot of information from different sources into bullet points filled with relevant information. Nicely done.

Nice. Quickly reduces the news stream into relevant bullet points, easy navigation.

Awesome site. Very beneficial for user.

Very awesome idea and execution!

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