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Hacker refused extradition appeal (bbc.co.uk)
17 points by inovica on Oct 9, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

His Mother sums it up:

'Janis Sharp said no other country would offer its citizens to the US so readily "as sacrificial lambs" just to safeguard the special political relationship.

She said: "To use my desperately vulnerable son in this way is despicable, immoral and devoid of humanity." '

I'm still trying to work out exactly what the UK gains from this "special relationship".

We paid back the loans in full in 2004, can we start acting like a sovereign nation when dealing with the US now?

It perplexes me too, especially after Tony Blair committed political suicide by joining in with the invasion of Iraq.

Churchill established it as a lynchpin of British foreign policy, as absolute and unquestionably valid as the old "maintain a balance of power in Europe", and it just seems to have stuck ever since, regardless of the costs.

She is wrong though: In Denmark we extradited one without even asking to see the evidence.

I just want to know what the hell the US has on those politicians.

What I find astonishing is if this were an enemy of the US then where would they be? Either they have neglected to secure their hosts or this guy is good.

If I were to leave the door of my house open, and came home to find a nut-case in my front room, wouldn't that make me the fool?

> If I were to leave the door of my house open, and came home to find a nut-case in my front room, wouldn't that make me the fool?

It would. It would also make the nut-case a criminal.

This really angers me. It would anger me if he was a us citizen. If they had any sense they would have made him sign an NDA and then debrief him how what he security flaws he knows about.

If he knew about these holes in security, the Chinese and Russians knew about them as well.

He is not a hacker.

Well, he may not be a great hacker, but he's not a script kiddie, either. What would you call him?

Edit: at least, the hacker community seems to have adopted him, I think because his situation reminds them of government overreaction in Kevin Mitnick's case.

Social engineer?

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