I read a lot of comments about the "Calculation" It really doesn't matter how you calculate it. China is the number one economy and American is on its way to becoming Japan or worse Greece.
Having a been in China a lot its easy to see why. China is really striving to be number 1. They are setting a goal and accomplishing it. American on the other hand is mired in Bureaucracy and lack of vision for what we want to do. Therefore we can not make progress. When we have goals we accomplish them. What to end foreign dependence on fossil fuels. We are making good progress towards that end.
American needs to think bigger and accomplish hard near term goals. We need to stop saying by year 2030,2040,2050 and think we want to do this in the next 4 years. China as many advantages of US. The things that people say are a disadvantage (Population & Government) are an advantage over the US.
If i was able to be president this would be my stance:
- Immigration.
- Pay tuition to a 4 year college and graduate. Greencard. Increases intellectual horsepower
- 3 million Mexicans. Greencard. Increases manpower
- Energy
- by 2020 50% of all electric will be generated by non-fossil fuels. 2025 80%.
- 2025 be the #1 export of oil and coal
- Budget. balanced by 2020.
- Military. halved.
- Education. Spending doubled.
- Healthcare. free
- Taxes. flat
- Infrastructure 7% GDP
"- by 2020 50% of all electric will be generated by non-fossil fuels. 2025 80%."
"- 2025 be the #1 export of oil and coal"
That's interesting, especially seeing these goals being put together!
"- Infrastructure 7% GDP"
How did you come to this number?
Keep in mind that infrastructure costs depend on a lot of factors, like expropriation of private property, building new infrastructure and up-keeping the existent one in a number of more or less accessible places, development of new infrastructure technology and a lot more. China got a lot of these for almost free: it can afford to expropriate at ridiculous prices, it builds infrastructure with cheap labor and materials (bought at home market prices), it got its hands on new technology cheaply from abroad through various tricks (versus developing it from scratch), and so on. There's a lot to talk about infrastructure and resources allocated to it, and 7% may or may not be the answer.
"- Moon by 2030 a sustainable colony."
"- Mars by 2040 a sustainable colony."
"- Mars by 2050 100,000 people"
Moon and Mars are not fit to be inhabited by humans (for their gravitation being inappropriate, if nothing else).
Having a been in China a lot its easy to see why. China is really striving to be number 1. They are setting a goal and accomplishing it. American on the other hand is mired in Bureaucracy and lack of vision for what we want to do. Therefore we can not make progress. When we have goals we accomplish them. What to end foreign dependence on fossil fuels. We are making good progress towards that end.
American needs to think bigger and accomplish hard near term goals. We need to stop saying by year 2030,2040,2050 and think we want to do this in the next 4 years. China as many advantages of US. The things that people say are a disadvantage (Population & Government) are an advantage over the US.
If i was able to be president this would be my stance:
- Immigration.
What will be the big goals be:- Moon by 2030 a sustainable colony.
- Mars by 2040 a sustainable colony.
- Mars by 2050 100,000 people
- Population 500,000 by 2040