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José Valim on the Elixir Language, Concurrency, Iteration (infoq.com)
91 points by lidashuang on Dec 1, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I've had Elixir on by backlog of languages to play around with for a while now. This weekend I actually got a chance to sit down and poke around for a while. It was really enjoyable, love the tight integration of pattern matching. The ecosystem surrounding the language also seems very nice: The REPL, the mix build tool, and the nice integration with unit testing, are all very attractive features of the platform.

I took the chance to write up my beginning experience playing with the language, trying my best not to look at the docs. You can find the write up here: http://bjg.io/learning-elixir/

There also seem to a bunch of existing resources for getting started:

- http://elixir-lang.org/getting_started/1.html

- https://howistart.org/posts/elixir/1

- http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/elixir/

I would also suggest this talk by Dave Thomas http://youtu.be/5hDVftaPQwY

I started getting interested in Elixir, especially after seeing the amazing benchmark of Phoenix, built on top of Elixir >> https://github.com/mroth/phoenix-showdown

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