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1. Introduce 35-hour week rule

2. Allow multiple ways to get around that rule by employers

3. Employers offer zero-hour contracts or don't offer full 35-hour contracts at least

4. Some employees end up working 60 hours/week to make up the difference, therefore not getting the advantages the law was intended to create

5. Note that on average people are working 39 hours/week, not 35, and only slightly behind the 40.9 hours/week average for the rest of the Eurozone

6. Insist all of this is stopping companies investing in France because somehow this makes French people look "lazy"

7. Backtrack and insist the 35-hour rule will remain in place

This a law that doesn't work, nobody follows, is bad for the image of France but in fact workers are 13% more productive than the rest of the EU, is threatened with being removed, but will be saved because the lawmakers think it does work and is being followed and isn't bad for the image of France?

Right. And this is the country of the deep thinkers and intellectuals? Uhh huh...

But its the non french international firms that get raided :-)

We just move the the US and profit from our brains here.

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