these days they're into just about everything: landlines, tv, internet, mobiles, you name it.
they tend to have a notorious reputation for providing a bad service, with their internet service being the prime example... god help you if something goes wrong with your phoneline.
More or less, except Britain is currently experiencing the aftershock of David "Think of the Children" Cameron and his band of privacy-hating merrymen. While Verizon was caught out recently tracking users and Comcast maybe does the same, at least they don't forcibly restrict you from using HTTPS.
Yes although our government has forced them to open up the last mile to competition. So unlike with Comcast/AT&T, at least here you can switch to a more palatable ISP fairly easily & quickly. You're still somewhat at the mercy of BT's engineers though if you have a fault on your line.
these days they're into just about everything: landlines, tv, internet, mobiles, you name it.
they tend to have a notorious reputation for providing a bad service, with their internet service being the prime example... god help you if something goes wrong with your phoneline.