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C-REPL (neugierig.org)
72 points by mbrubeck on Oct 5, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

There are C interpreters around, like "cint" -- http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/cint -- which is somewhat more stable, having been around since 1995.

This C-REPL one seems to have the advantage of using gcc directly while cint is basically its own compiler.

If being able to "evaluate" C code like that gives you some ideas, you might want to have a look at "libtcc" -- which seems to be getting some development love again compared to last time I looked at it (finally an x86-64 target). (I have some higher level code that converts well to C that libtcc or a gcc/dlopen approach would be nice for)

From the README:

The approach is surprisingly simple: for each line of code you enter, we compile a shared object in the background. If the compilation succeeds, the object is loaded into a child process via dlopen(). Parsing of C #includes uses gccxml. (Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to use gccxml to parse the user's input, and due to the complexity of parsing C the input parser is currently hacky and heuristic.)

While I agree that this may be an elegant (simple) way of doing things, how responsive is the compilation process for the RE portion of REPL? Even a one second wait time might seem tedious.

I've used C-Repl quite comfortably for smaller hacks and tests.

While it's not a true REPL, it can certainly help along for simple use cases.

On my four-year-old "Pentium D" workstation, it's not quite instantaneous but close enough for interactive work.

Thanks for the feedback. Now that I'm home, I'm going to install.

There's also ccons[1], which is a similar idea but built on top of Clang/LLVM.

[1] http://code.google.com/p/ccons/

I often use gdb as a C repl. You can't build a program that way of course. This OTOH is a nice hack :)

When I began using gdb heavily recently I was pleasantly surprised that it had this capability. It's really an amazing program, I wish I hadn't been so scared to use it before

I had to make some minor changes to get it to build under Ubuntu 9.10 with Haskell Platform 2009.2.0.2. I pushed them to a GitHub fork here:


How does this find and load shared objects?

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