I don't think it will be final for a long time, because I haven't really defined what "done" means. I still think what's there is useful, and provides a new, material improvement over a lot of existing books, despite not being anywhere near done. Plus, it's free :-)
I've taken Dan's crypto class ([2]), so I think I can weigh in.
Obvious difference: not organized as a MOOC. Whether that is good or bad is up to you.
Focus difference: I think Crypto 101 is targetting applied crypto more, whereas the Coursera classes take a more classical introduction. There is nothing wrong with either approach, in my opinion. Just a difference in focus.
Oh, thanks. At first I thought it was satirical. Maybe a jab at the imperfections of crypto implementations, but I guess I was reading too far into it.
You can get the PDF for now from here: https://9d0df72831e4b345bb93-4b37fd03e6af34f2323bb971f72f0c0...
EDIT: Unfortunately I am on conference wifi, so, might take me a while.
EDIT2: Now on Github. https://crypto101.github.io/