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Plenty of use cases...heres one: I've been loving my 360 for exercise. Not only for the step counting (and the Asus Wear watch has GPS I believe).

I've always taken issue with carrying a phone around with me while running. With the 360 (and the latest update), you can pair with bluetooth headphones and play music that you've synced from your phone. And obviously since it's a watch, I can time myself. I can then sync my interval timing results, etc.

Regarding your request for a high-level overview...it's an extension of the Android platform designed specifically for wearables, is it really that hard to see the potential? Take what you know about Android and what it can do, and Wear is that + APIs for tiny UIs + an sync-focused abstraction layer on top of bluetooth pairing. Additionally, consider not only that the screen is tiny, but the HCI ramifications/opportunities given that it's on your wrist, or ankle, or whatever. AFAIK, you can build a Wear device with any hardware you want. The models we're seeing right now are leaving out things like GPS and LTE radios for obvious cost and battery life concerns. When I think about what Wear could do, that's the context I consider.

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