"Pain to configure" is a blocker here, though. That's why we sacrifice flexibility for simplicity. OpenStack is great for environments that need it - VirtKick won't fit them.
I have used your scripts and I'm quite grateful for the time they have saved me. However, the end result is not a fully functional OpenStack installation. I have no idea how much longer that will take, I'm still working on getting public and private networks configured properly, getting floating IPs to work at all, etc.
With Juno imminent, I might just start over and hope the Juno installation isn't so difficult, though that doesn't seem to be a top priority for the developers.
VirtKick is closer to a scale that I have time to manage, I think. Of course there are tradeoffs; with the big players running OpenStack in production, security fixes are available quickly and I love/hate the short release cycle. VirtKick has layers of security risks and (so far) no big-money contributors who need to get fixes out quickly.
Feel free to jump in the Gitter or email me about them. The networking stuff is usually the last mile in OpenStack and is hard to script for a variety of systems. Happy to add to them if I can make it easier for you!