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Poor kids who do things right don’t do better than rich kids who do things wrong (washingtonpost.com)
2 points by jordanpg on Oct 21, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Another headline that's actually backed up by the data shown in the article would be: High performing poor college kids smoke rich dropouts later in life Since 19% of rich dropouts make the top 2 quintiles of income at 40, while 41% of poor college grads hit those categories, the headline is crap.

Is it so bad? The "top 2 quintiles" is the top 40%. They want to make a statement about the extremes.

I think the numbers are interesting. It looks like the rich kids' distribution is bimodal with a spike at the top quintile but centered on the 2nd/3rd lowest, and the poor kids' is unimodal centered at the middle quintile.

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