I have had pleasure to watch videos "How to start a startup" from Sam and others.
One thing that quite struck me though is that it was repeatedly mentioned that don't start a startup for money. PG repeated it couple of times and also one early employee of facebook ( employee #100 ? ) also said it in lecture 2 ?
I find it though hard to believe from mindset prospective that people don' t start a startup for money.
Entire concept of capatalism in US and with almost every act from birth to death is tied with money.
How can someone then think of start-up and not think of money ? One example often repeated is of Mr. Zuckerberg. But Zuck was already rich even before facebook. He attended Phillips Academy in NH ( I read it , I dont know for sure ) which has fees of $47k / year. Both Mr. Page and Brin were already wealthy well before google.
How many people here can send their kids to school paying $50k just in fees ?
I saw many interviews of Zuck. In one notably, he specifically mentions that he does not need money when someone offered him $1MM check. He says look at my apartment in Palo Alto.
So my question is ---
1. Do you believe in making money by starting a start-up and think of your idea from that prospective ?
2. Everyone has lot of ideas. Heck, some are leaving school/ college to make quick bucks. So do you write off ideas because there is no chance of making money by implementing that idea ?
3. A lot is talked about market fit in these start-up videos. If you are not thinking of making money why consider market fit in that case ?
I am sort of confused on making money from start-up, its relation to product market fit and what is being said ( or written or spoken ) in general by prominent people ( not just PG ).
Help me correct my confusion if I am getting wrong something ? or give me some pep talk.
1. Don't do it for money because you will hate your life if there is no other meaning for you.
2. You are more likely to have blind spots if you are chasing the money, and thus fail.
3. Chances of failure are high regardless, but if you like what you do you at least build skills that will lead your career in a happier direction. If it was just for money you are back at square one.