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> Well, at least that is going to give you the correct result. Correctness seems like it should be pretty important, no?

The devil is in the details. In OP's example, is "files" a field of "cwd," and "count" a field (or getter) of "files?" Is "filter" a method of "processes" and "map" a method of the resulting (implicit) list returned by "filter"?

If the answer to any of these is "yes," then you will find yourself needing to implement these fields and methods (and probably others) for each OS object. The "filter" in "processes" necessarily has a different implementation from "filter" in "files", since despite having the same external interface, they both operate in different contexts on different internal state (i.e. a process object is not a file object).

Contrast this with the UNIX approach, where the "filter" and "map" implementations (i.e. grep, awk, sed, tr) exist independent of OS-level objects (i.e. processes, files, semaphores, sockets, etc.) and their state, allowing them to be developed and improved independently of one another and the data they operate on.

You want there to be some notion of type safety and structure in IPC. This can already be achieved: simply rewrite your programs to communicate via asn.1, json, or protobufs, or some other common structured marshalling format. You can have ls send wc an array of strings, instead of having wc guess which bytes are strings by assuming that whitespace delimits them.

However, upon doing this, you will find that you will only be able to use wc with programs that speak wc's protocol. Now if you're lucky, you can convince everyone who wants to send data to wc to use the new protocol. If you're unlucky, you'll instead end up with a bunch of programs that only implement it partially or with bugs. If you're really unlucky, there will also be competing versions of the wc protocol. Moreover, what about programs that wc will need to pipe data to? wc will need to know how to communicate with all of them as well.

My point is, if we go the route of imposing structure and types on IPC, the only thing you'll have to show for it are O(N^2) IPC protocols for N programs, which they all must implement perfectly (!!) to get type safety. Want to write a new program? Now you also have to write O(N) additional IPC protocols so it can communicate with the others.

Maybe you can additionally mandate that each program speaks the same IPC protocol (i.e. there is One True Record for piping data in, and One True Record for piping data out). But, if this IPC protocol encompasses every possible use-case, how is it any different than a byte stream?

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