Hi ,
I am 27 yrs old working in IT. I came to US when I was 10 yrs old. I work as software engineer for a medium size company.
I am wondering if anyone from HN have had experience with franchising ? I know there are high upfront costs ( $200k to $500k) but still , does it make viable business opportunity ?
I think especially food franchising business are profitable in general compare to others.
What HN think of it in terms of
1. Opportunity cost
2. Time- value cost
3. Competition cost ( cost to beat competition )
I have $40k so I am thinking about investment opportunity by taking loan.
I also came to know that there are already people lined up for franchising. Though, I am from US I have no idea about politics behind franchising and especially location preferences.
If you have had ( or still gaining ) experience by franchising what are chances to remain profitable and solvent and profitable in your opinion ?
What other folks of HN think about it ?